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Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka Knows Well the Spine and Its Connections

Nerves. Discs. Muscles. The spine connects them all! And back pain is a complex condition often involving all these elements. Your Sitka chiropractor at Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka appreciates all of these spinal elements. Your Sitka chiropractor pays great attention to each of these spinal parts. Your Sitka chiropractor reduces Sitka back pain and neck pain connected to these spinal elements with gentle chiropractic services and Cox® Technic at Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka.


It is the body’s support system. The spine links everything! The spine’s bones – called vertebrae – connect ligaments, muscles and discs to form this support system. 25 intervertebral discs are between each of the usual 33 vertebrae. Three parts comprise each disc – the gel-like, water/collagen-composed nucleus pulposus contained and held in place by the collagenous annulus fibrosus and two endplates on top and bottom that safeguard and allow nutrients into the nucleus. The disc keeps the spine flexible and strong. (1) Seemingly off-topic but really not as these findings demonstrate just how connected the spine is, more articles surface about the value of diaphragm training for muscle relaxation like the hamstring muscles. In a recent study, this training is documented to grow the thickness of lumbar spine stabilizing muscles, transverse abdominis and lumbar multifidus muscles. (2) Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is amazed by what diaphragm-focused treatment does for such muscles. It all reflects on how intricately the spine is created and connected! Interesting! Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka likes working Sitka chiropractic patients’ spines every day!


Spinal nerves intertwine their ways throughout the spine, collecting and dispersing impulses from head to toe. The superior gluteal nerve winds its ways through the lower pelvis by the L4, L5 and S1 nerve roots in the sacral plexus. It innervates the gluteus medius, gluteus minimum and tensor fasciae latae muscles. If damaged, it often creates an unmistakable walking and standing gait due to the gluteus medius muscle paralysis it produces. (3) Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka back pain patients know how sensitive these spinal nerves are and so does Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka.


The spine depends on muscles to maintain its connections. The psoas muscle passes along both sides of the spinal vertebral column down to the pelvis. It’s deep and comes off the lumbar vertebrae, L1-L4, adjoining much more - the less trochanter of the femur, iliopsoas muscle, psoas major muscle, inconsistent psoas minor muscle, iliac fascia, iliacus muscle, and inguinal ligament – affecting postural function and influencing mood and stress disorders as a reason for low back pain. (4) The quadratus lumborum muscle is key to stability. Its deep, posterior, lateral and interior location around the spine often brings into question its contributing role in back pain. It is an essential part of the thoracolumbar fascia muscle system as it encircles the iliac crest, the transverse processes of lumbar spine’s vertebrae and 12th rib. (5) The external oblique muscle is key to balance, preserving the center of gravity, and stability. Notably, in a research study of women with chronic low back pain, stability exercises and balance exercises involving the external oblique muscle improved erector spinae muscle activity and decreased pain and disability. (6) That is why Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka routinely recommends exercise to Sitka back pain patients as part of the chiropractic treatment plan. Don’t worry! Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka makes sure these are simple and helpful for you!

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Listen to this PODCAST with Dr. Lonny Skjervheim on The Back Doctors Podcast with Dr. Michael Johnson about chiropractic care of low back pain with leg pain together using Cox® Technic spinal manipulation.  

Schedule your chiropractic appointment today. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is your Sitka back pain specialist. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka applies knowledge of these amazing spinal connections to enhance the clinical pain relief outcomes for our back pain patients. Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka is like the spine for nerves, discs, and muscles: Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka connects the best of back pain research to back pain relief for you, our back pain patient. 
Arctic Chiropractic, Sitka appreciates how the nerves and muscles are connected to the spine and how to help relieve Sitka back pain and other spine related pain when they hurt. 
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